This section is to help explain how and when changes can occur. These would be changes in fees, as well as rules/bylaws. Keep in mind that county laws supersede our bylaws.
Pine Glen consists of 112 homes. 2/3 participation is required for all votes to be considered. 2/3 of 112 is 74.
Per the community bylaws, the board can increase dues, up to 14% each year, without a membership vote.
Special assessments require a membership vote. Changes/additions to bylaws would also require a membership vote. 66% of the membership would need to cast a vote for the assessment to be considered. If the voting requirement is met, the side with the most votes cast will win. This process requires hiring a lawyer to draw up paperwork, mailing of said paperwork to each homeowner, and a special HOA meeting regarding the proposed vote. As you can see, time and our money go into these votes. Our previous experiences with votes have received little to no interest.